JRN 501
Sampling the Beats
Students will explore beat reporting at an intermediate level. The list of beats to be examined may include, but is not limited to, courts, business, politics, sports, education, health/science and the arts. Some opinion writing will be included in this course. Students who don't know what type of news they will cover in the future will benefit from this beat experience and exposure to different specialties.
JRN 501 Requisite Information:
JRN 501 Let's You Take:
Prerequisite: (JRN 112 and JRN 124 and JRN 125) or (JRN 270 and JRN 272)
- This course is not a prerequisite for any other courses.
Prerequisite: (JRN 112 and JRN 124 and JRN 125) or (JRN 270 and JRN 272)
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